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Have a good idea and looking for a trusted partner to implement? We'll help you to do it in a smart way.
E-commerce & Logistics
Education & Science
Organization Support
Innovative shopping app
Scan & Save is a system that uses mobile applications to communicate customers and clothing retailers. In an innovative way, we use extensive data from clothing companies to make it easier for customers to buy in stores. Customers can scan the bar code of the product and save its data on the phone, view photos, wait for its promotion.
The bar code allows accurate product identification including size, so the customer knows exactly what product he was trying - it gives clothing networks new opportunities to complement the shopping experience - e.g. customers can check in the app the size availability in the nearest stores.
Scan & Save also offers extended functionality for sellers - so that they can show customers a scanned product on the screen of a large LCD TV in the store - this way in stationary stores it is possible to sell products / colors that are not physically there.
Currently, the solution is implemented in the clothing chains of Diverse, Badura, Wojas, Nike, Adidas and other brands, and available in more than 800 stores in Poland and abroad.
Office of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship
Implementation of the Pomeranian Science Offer Base
The aim of the Pomeranian Science Offer Base is to contribute to the region's economic growth by implementing R & D projects carried out in cooperation with the scientific community and Pomeranian enterprises. The database supports mutual search of scientists and entrepreneurs who can cooperate - to this end, using our Business Intelligence tools, we have collected a total of over 129,000 data records from a total of 7 universities in Pomerania and over 600 enterprises.
Gdańsk University of Technology, University of Gdańsk, Gdynia Maritime University
Implementation of a Science Information Platform - PION
During the implementation of the project, a platform was built connecting three universities: Gdańsk University of Technology, University of Gdańsk and Maritime University in Gdynia. Thanks to the combined efforts of the team participating in the project implementation, a cross-section system was created that combines comprehensive university data in one place, including over 80,000 publications, 16 thousand profiles of scientists, 2.5 thousand grants, 1.8 thous. patents, and many more - a total of over 20 databases.
The combination of data in one place and an easy presentation for users resulted in significant interest in PION bases. Since its creation, the popularity of the system has been steadily increasing - only in 2014, 198,534 unique users have used it (an increase of over 38% compared to 2013 and more than 60% by 2012). PION is used by both university and business employees as well as business environment institutions, ministries and patent offices in the country and abroad.
Radio Olsztyn
Implementation of an internet portal and integration with local repositories and sound streams
Radio Olsztyn has in its resources very large amounts of digital data, in the form of sounds related to reportages, which are prepared for transmission on the air. The biggest challenge of the project was to facilitate their access for external users and export to the web site. As part of the project, integration through SOAP with the existing d'Accord issue system was carried out, and processing sounds to MP3 format, so as to optimize the publishing process.
In addition, modules for streaming radio broadcasts directly from the website, as well as additional modules such as charts with voting, original multimedia file player or connection to an external web service of weather forecast have been made. As a result, not only the attractiveness and accessibility of Radio's online articles has increased significantly, but also the process of sharing online materials has been shortened and simplified, which together allow better responding to the current needs of listeners.
BRW Sofa
Integrated electronic production system plan in a multi-plant enterprise
BRW Sofa is one of the companies of the Black Red White group, producing high quality upholstered furniture, sold on the domestic market and abroad. The control of distributed production in four plants of the company, which employs over 1,000 people, is a big challenge for the management team. Analysis of the problems allowed to develop a series of solutions, which in the next three years will enable the creation of a very modern decentralized management structure based on a commonly available IT structure and dispersed competence centers. Implementation of the plan with a budget of PLN 7.7 million will help to improve the integration of processes in the company, obtain significant savings of materials and energy used, and above all, increase the production efficiency and attractiveness of final products.
Group shopipping and online collaboration start-up
The Inntegro company is the author of an innovative group shopping portal on the Internet, which contributed to the creation of this market in Poland. The idea of shopping in groups met with great interest of the public and nationwide media (TVN, TVP1) - several hundred thousand people visited it in the first days since the website was launched. The support of BP Systems was both an advisory in the phase of translating an idea into a specific web application, as well as covering the phase of design, programming and marketing. In the next stage of development, inntegro was supplemented with narratives supporting additionally logistics (transport optimization module) and customer service (CRM module)
Piotr Karpiński, founder of the company, graduated in master's in the field of management at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and supplementary studies on the field of Computer Science in Business (Wirtschaftsinformatik) at Universitaet Mannheim (Germany). For many years, his passion is knowledge management, which resulted in the form of PhD studies in the area of Mobile Knowledge Management at the University of Mannheim, and the development of this concept to develop new mechanisms for recording knowledge dedicated to processing by artificial intelligence mechanisms (for research purposes together with scientists from the Gdansk University of Technology) .
He gained professional experience in the field of creating IT systems, as well as training and project management, in Germany, Portugal, Poland, in such companies as DaimlerChrysler, Universitaet Mannheim, ZETO Software. He devotes his free time to the family and the development of a new generation of constructors' staff.
The mission and the main universal value of BP Systems is to do good, which translates into all activities carried out by the company and includes:
Gdańsk University of Technology
(..) The high level of support and commitment of BP Systems employees to the best possible achievement of the project's goals deserves recognition. I definitely recommend the services of this company, primarily due to the very effective use of information technology, which, with relatively small expenditures, solve many significant problems.
dr inż. Edyta Witka - Jeżewska
Head of the Research Service Department of the Gdańsk University of Technology
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
(..) I would like to emphasize the professionalism and reliability of the task entrusted, in particular the speed of reaction at every need to modify the system. The experience and professional knowledge of the latest standards and best practices for creating online databases deserves credit for the team of BP Systems employees (..)
Wojciech Samulowski
Director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Based on the experience of many years of cooperation, I would like to recommend BP Systems company led by Piotr Karpiński as a reliable partner in online business ventures (..). I definitely recommend cooperation with BP Systems, especially for the implementation of innovative IT systems, because it offers what is most important in business ventures: commitment, creativity and honesty.
Cezary Łosko
President of the Management Board of inntegro sp. o.o.
Fotocasty.pl receives the Regional Leader of Innovation and Development award
Our "Application for creating photocasts online" was awarded the title of Regional Leader of Innovation and Development in the category of innovative services. The competition is organized by the Warsaw Innovation and Development Foundation under the patronage of, among others Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Miniseries of Regional Development, Patent Office and PARP.
Wprost, Gazeta Wyborcza and Innovation Portal about plans to create the bases of the Pomeranian Science Offer
(..) Already this fall, all the resources of universities and scientific institutes from Pomerania will be found in one place. "Gazeta Wyborcza" reported that work is already underway to launch a special platform for the Pomeranian Online Science Offer. This is the first region that will be able to boast of such a strong integration of science and business (...)
Fotocasty.pl rated by PC World
The PC World monthly published an article about the portal and our application for creating photocasts. The portal received one of the highest number ratings (6.6). Below is a summary of the article edited by Michał Stępień.
Fotocasty is a Polish website that allows you to publish audio photojournalism that is becoming a more and more popular form of presenting photos on the Web. Own photocasts publish such well-deserved for a brand reportage as the BBC or the legendary agency Magnum Photos, you can also find them on the New York Times website. As a rule, photocasts are accompanied by the narrative of the author, in a less artistic edition it will be a slideshow with lively music in the background. This website is a tool designed for more ambitious creators. Using the ready wizard, you can upload photos and sound files to the server. In the next step you will add subtitles to the presentation, arrange pictures in any order in the timeline, and even apply special effects, such as different types of transitions, or panning animation. The creators of the application also allowed the inclusion of links in the pictures.
Presentation of the idea of group shopping on Dzien Dobry TVN with the participation of the President of Inntegro sp. z o. o.
In the morning program Dzień dobry TVN (September 2, 2008) the idea of group shopping via the Internet was presented, in which Cezary Łosko, President of Inntegro sp. o.o. Presentation of the idea of group shopping in this popular program contributed to a significant interest in this form of buying and many visits to the service we made in. Inntegro.pl
How to bargain discounts on the Internet - Dziennik o inntegro.pl
(...) Polish net users are no longer satisfied with the lower prices offered by online stores. Their latest idea is group buying of more goods, which allows you to bargain by up to 30 percent. lower prices. You can already buy almost everything in this way - from phones and computers, through cars, to flat (...). On the group shopping portals, internet users negotiate prices of electronics, tools and building materials or apartments, as well as products and services unavailable on the Polish market. "The greatest popularity is enjoyed by cars, RTV equipment and computers" - says Cezary Losko from Inntegro.pl (..)
Inntegro.pl in Dziennik Internautów
"Are you looking for the best price? Join the group, we'll buy cheaper together!" - are words that are to encourage you to take advantage of Inntegro.pl services, a new shopping cumulative purchasing group of customers interested in similar products. Thanks to joint purchases, it is possible to obtain some goods even by a few dozen percent.
Trójmiasto.pl about discounts and offers for groups in inntegro.pl
25 percent discount for a new passenger car was until recently only intended for large fleet customers. The development of the Internet has made everyone can join the virtual shopping group at inegro.pl and get large discounts not only on cars, but also electronics, building materials, tires, tools, interior finishing materials and many more. ( ..)
about 200,000 people
visited the inntegro.pl website after presenting in the Good Morning TVN program the new idea of group shopping. The administrator from the hosting company thought it was an attack and shut down the server for a few hours :)
On that day the first virtual bar we created in Poland was opened. It was possible not only to drink a drink in it (after each 'sip' the level of the drink was synchronized with all participants), but also to talk through video chat among friends - up to 8 people. Based on the bar technology, the application for multi-person meetings and trainings offered by BP Systems was also made - unfortunately without drinks :)
105,000 PLN
was the price of Audi A6 with 2.0 TDI engine (price in the salon about 150 thousand PLN) in one of the first shopping groups inntegro.pl . The start of group shopping coincided with the beginning of the crisis and made it possible to negotiate very attractive discounts.
Address: Olsztyn ul. Owocowa 12 | e-mail: info@bpsys.pl
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